



Today’s world is more open that it ever has been. It creates lots of opportunities for both individuals and businesses. But when people and information get to travel so easily, we have to grant that they are protected.

To make sure our customers and their data can freely enjoy their travels, we created our protection service.

une qualite irreprochable biribin 1 Tailor-made protection

Highly Experienced Team

une equipe experimentee au plus haut niveau biribin Tailor-made protection

Satisfaction guarantee

assistance 24 heures sur 24 biribin Tailor-made protection

Personalized Set Up

suivi client personnalise biribin Tailor-made protection

24/7 assistance

Our tailor-made


Our crew of security drivers is highly trained to guarantee your security during the transportation.

You are protected along your trip with an additional motorbike, driven by an expert in people protection.
Adding on a secured car + a protection motorbike ensures the highest level of protection during your trips.

Our experts offer the highest level of personal protection. We adapt to each one of your needs to make sure you feel safe at any time.

A complete evaluation of your process and structure by our team of experts, to make sure you are provided with the best service.

Our team of experts can also bring supervision and organization to your existing crew, when it comes to unknown areas or best practices. We provide the best advising and management in France.